I’d Like to Get to Know You, by Spanky and Our Gang

It’s a lazy Monday for me since it’s one of those Monday holidays, so let’s keep the tone mellow. Mellow Monday—that could become a thing. Let’s power up the time machine and head back to 1968, when I was a year old. I remember growing up hearing this song and it always struck me as both lovely and haunting. I never saw a video of it before until this weekend, so this was the version I knew from the radio and maybe someone’s old 45?

But I like to share live performances when I can, and I thought, surely there was one out there. I found this cute video that was probably on some TV show or other, but I had never heard opening spoken segment until now. Um, and now I don’t know what to think. It’s like someone messed with my childhood. I don’t mean this to be a review, just a reaction. I always knew this song as a romantic, wistful love song, and while music videos often take creative license, I was not expecting this to get . . . corny? Yeah, kinda, but still, it’s cute. The recording reminds me of how much fun producers were having with stereo sound back in the day.

I don’t know anything really about the group Spanky and Our Gang, but maybe I’ll have to dig deeper. You see, I had the song in mind because a recent conversation brought to mind a meeting from many years ago. I was happy to be reminded. I just wasn’t expecting this bit about the slipper . . .

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