Get the Kinks Out and Come Dancing

Yesterday I mentioned that the Kinks did a cover of “Dancing In the Street,” but today’s song of the day is a different dance tune altogether. The single “Come Dancing” was released in the UK in 1982, the same year the music video was recorded at an Essex dance hall (“the Palais”), but it didn’t chart until the next year when it was released in the United States thanks to the help of MTV.

Gosh, the 80’s MTV videos . . . weren’t they something? Music television is YouTube these days. Does MTV have music anymore?

As a Gen X-er, this is one I remember well from my high school years. It made me think of our older sister Brenda, though I don’t remember if she regularly went out dancing when Crystal and I were just kids. In any case, it definitely gives me that nostalgic feeling, which really says something for their song writing and performance, because I generally don’t pine for my school days at all.

YouTube Playlists:

By the way, if you ever want to just listen to these without reading all my commentary, you can go to Jeff’s Song of the Day YouTube channel and listen to any of the playlists. They are listed by month and the bonus lists usually are two month’s worth. Check that out by clicking right here.

From my senior high school days, the Kinks with “Come Dancing:”

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