Two-for-Tuesday, Jewel by Request

It’s Brian’s birthday today and last night he said that he couldn’t believe he was going to be xx years old for only a few more hours. I was stunned and had to stop to do the math for a moment— thought he was a year younger! Already everyone thinks he’s much younger than he is. Old friends see his photos and comment on how my sons have grown. That’s him, holding our youngest and floofiest family member, Eliot.

Since Brian didn’t specify which Jewel song would make him happiest today, I picked one from the 90’s and one from 2010. Her debut studio album, Pieces of You, wowed the world in 1995 and featured “You Were Meant for Me” as its second single. It’s the same album that featured “Foolish Games” and “Who Will Save your Soul.”

Her second album, Spirit, came out in 1998 and had one of my favorite songs, “Hands,” but since that one has been much parodied over the years, and sometimes delightfully so, I thought we’d skip ahead into a country album of hers that I really wasn’t that familiar with. It’s called Sweet and Wild, and so my own personal dedication to Brian is the video below called “Satisfied.”

If you see Brian, in person or on the socials today, wish the young man a happy birthday.