50,000 Names, George Jones

My brother Jeff is a veteran, and he would always be careful to stress the difference between Veterans Day on which we honor those who have served in the US military and Memorial Day when we mourn and remember those we lost.

My brother Jeff is a veteran who served during the final days of the Vietnam crisis. He didn’t see combat, but he served in the US Army. Jeff was and is also a man of peace who threatened to beat me up if I, his teenage brother once upon a time, ever tried to join the military. Make of that what you will, but that’s what he told me years ago.

I hesitated to post anything at all today because so many of the songs out there glamorize war and military service, and I know Jeff wouldn’t want me to do that. But this song just mourns and remembers by stating what is there where the Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands, without romanticizing what happened or making a political statement of any kind really.

There are actually over 58,000 names carved into that wall. So many wars, so many conflicts, and still new ones go on. If I still prayed at all, I would pray for peace. I hope you had some time today to remember.