Very Cold Monkeys with Knee Socks

Every wonder how the Arctic Monkeys came up with the name for their band? Too bad, I’m going to tell you anyway. So, there is no such thing as an arctic monkey. Apparently humans are the only primates who live that far north. There are, however, colloquially named “snow monkeys” who live in the northern mountains of Japan. These are Japanese macaques, including ones who live in the mountainous area of the main Island near Nagano where they spend a lot of time in the winter in the hot springs there.

Image by Andrew Tan from Pixabay

But that’s still not the arctic. A cute little article in Vice chronicles an attempt to figure this out back in 2018. According to American Songwriter, the band proudly hails from the northern parts of England where “northern monkey” is sort of a slang put down. Basically, they are so northern that they are arctic.

Do they wear knee socks? Well, that’s getting a wee bit personal, isn’t it? All I know is that they did this song called “Knee Socks,” and that’s the song of the day. Why? I don’t know! It just is. Please, hold yourself together, and don’t take things too seriously.

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