George Michael’s Freedom! ’90

Welcome to Tuesday! Glad you made it, I know that Monday was a rough one. Watch your step and don’t hit your head on the door frame. It’s got a low clearance. The steward has Dramamine if you are prone to sea sickness, by the way. Try to aim over the rail if you do feel ill. We don’t want to ruin the shoes of our fellow Tuesday passengers.

Enough of that nonsense. Freedom. What do you want to freed from? Or better yet, tell me a story of something you’ve already gotten free of. That’s the topic on Jeff’s Song of the Day today. As a kid, I remember the feeling of freedom riding my bike down the hill by the church in the village of Charleton, PA. But that feeling is different than feeling free of an obligation, a burden, or even a relationship. Freedom can mean different things at different times in your life. More on that later this week.

For George Michael, freedom may have meant distinguishing himself and his future career from his work he did with the band Wham!, and their hit song also called “Freedom.” But for this 1990 hit, Michael was wanting to take a step back from the fame machine and not at all interested in appearing in the music video, so instead we have a handful of supermodels beautifully lip synching their way through it.

“Freedom! ’90” is the second single from the album Listen without Prejudice, and it hit number 8 in the US and ranked number 36 among Billboard’s “Top 500 Pop Songs of All Time” in 2023, the same year George Michael was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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